We'll be livestreaming the event, and you can watch it here! If all goes well and I don't screw up the camera and if the Internet connection is sufficient, you can get a free broadcast of this first read-through and discussion of the script. And even if you can't watch tomorrow, you can access it on-demand! Here is a link to our Livestream page so you can watch anytime. (Unfortunately, because we have no money, our Livestream account is the free one, which may mean you have to suffer through some ads over which we have no control. But, hey, it's free!)
Watch live streaming video from actingperformanceandcommunity at livestream.com
For those interested in participating, here's some information about how we'll shape our discussion about the play: tomorrow I'll hand out paper and ask the attendees to jot down answers to the following as we read:
1) Note anything at all that stands out to you in any way: an image, a turn of phrase, a relationship, etc.
2) Note anything that reminds you of something in your own life: personal connections.
3) Note anything that brings to mind a particular problem in the local, national or global community: social relevance.
4) Do you have any suggestions or ideas for staging that we might take into account? Are there specific things to which we ought to be paying close attention when making choices?
If you'd like, you can listen in on the livestream or just read the play and respond to these questions on here or on Facebook or via email (amy.steiger@louisville.edu).
The read thru went very well. The comments after the reading were very helpful as an actor. I appreciate the lady that spoke about not reading along but actually listening to the voices of the characters. I was also glad that people were accepting to the subject matter as all people are different and come from fifferent backgrounds and cultures. We often forget this in a mixing pot of blended community. I also want to thank my good friend Debbie Anderson who read and responded by bringing her photo album. She has offered to bring her CD of the wedding to the class sometime to share with the outdoor wedding set design and offer support and ideas. I am even more excited about working on this project now that we had the offical first read thru.