Thursday, November 18, 2010

Seeking Interviewees and Community Collaborators

Below is an announcement I posted on our Facebook page. In terms of the group we're looking to build and the process we're trying to use and develop, I think these lines from the play explain our purposes nicely:

that's the whole point of a wedding
to reach out across the abyss
and embrace someone who is different

this is how it is
for all human beings everywhere
understanding who they are
and reaching into the depths of their own particular souls
and the civilizations they have come from
to find even a deeper connection
as they reach out across the gulf
and through the courage of reaching out to each other,
rediscover their self-confidence
this is why people cry at weddings probably
because they are so happy they can hardly bear it
that two people have done
what the whole world needs to do if life is to go on!
So, please feel free to send the message below to anyone who might be interested. Forward the link to this blog, or copy and paste the message into an email, or get the word out however you can. And please come join us on December 8 for performances and discussion and a workshop!

Here it is:

"Hello, everyone. We are hard at work on building characters for the spring production of A Perfect Wedding at UofL, and some of the actors are still seeking interviewees. The following is a list of characteristics we're interested in exploring. If you know someone who might be interested in working with us, please get in touch! (You can email Amy Steiger at, and I'll put you in touch with the students).

We're also working on building a group of people from all over who are interested in participating in our community engaged rehearsal process. Our hope is to create a new community made up people with different backgrounds, experiences and beliefs to give feedback on our work and join our conversations about some of the important ideas and experiences represented in the play. Everyone is welcome, and there are lots of ways to be involved!

For more information see, or again, email Amy. Thanks!

Among the interviewees we'd like to meet are:

Wedding Planners

Funeral Directors

People who have been rejected, "jilted at the altar" or had a proposal turned down

People who have had broken engagements

People who have strong opinions about "love" and what it means

People who are getting married soon

People who are completely cynical about/opposed to marriage as an institution

Radical Faeries

People who would like to get married but are not legally able to do so

People who have specific philosophic interest in social theory (Marxism, etc.) and how our identities are shaped by institutions

People who were in heterosexual relationships and ended up with gay partners

People who have been through divorces

People who are in interracial relationships

People who practice particular faiths, specifically Islam and Catholicism

People who are from India or whose parents are from India

People who are or have been Catholic priests

People who can related to issues of gender as they relate to body image

People who think of themselves as extremely masculine

People who identify as "independent women""

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